Google appengine tip: How to clear appcfg credential cache

Posted on 19 Jan 2014

Many a times, it so happens that you need to work with multiple credentials while uploading/downloading apps on Google appengine. In such a scenario, it becomes difficult to switch credentials instantly.

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For instance, you have just uploaded an app using with your google credentials and they are still stored in the cache. So when you want to upload a new app, it won’t ask you for email/password and still try to retrieve old credentials automatically ignoring any command-line parameters you have given! Thus, you keep scratching your head as to why you are getting a permission-denied error while uploading/downloading the app!

The only way out here is clearing the credential cache of appcfg. On Linux systems, these are stored in a file called:


On Windows based systems, these are typically stored in:


Just delete this file and you are done! Next time, will ask you for a fresh google email and password, thus enabling you to upload/download your app.


google-app-engine web-development