The Enduring Value of Email: Why It Still Matters in 2024

Posted on 14 Dec 2020
internet email technology

Despite the rise of privacy advocates discouraging use of email, it remains a valuable communication tool with numerous benefits. Here’s why you should continue to embrace email in your digital communication strategy.

The Nostalgic Value Of Written Communication

When did you last see someone post a letter in an inland or envelope in the old-fashioned way? Believe it or not but the art of “letter writing” has become an almost extinct skill these days. Email is the last remaining vestige of actual written communication, allowing for thoughtful exchanges while preserving records in an open format.

No True Alternatives

A plethora of instant messaging (IM) apps have emerged over the years, including Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram and Discord. However, none can replace the functionality of email. It’s the only communication mode where the sender can respond with substantial content after taking a moment to think, rather than quickly “IMing” a few words through a mobile app.


Open Standards

Email is not controlled by any private sector entity; it operates on open standards based on well-established protocols like IMAP, SMTP and POP3. In contrast, proprietary platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram rely on non-standard technologies that restrict interoperability.

Accountability through records

The ability to retain records makes people more responsible in their tone and language. Unlike “disappearing WhatsApp messages”, emails can be archived and preserved for decades or even centuries, allowing for accountability and clarity in communication.

Enhanced Security Options

Email can be secured with tools like VPN and plugins like Enigmail. Contrary to popular belief, email communication is not inherently insecure. Just as SSL/TLS enhances the security of HTTP, Enigmail can be used to digitally sign and encrypt outgoing emails, safeguarding sensitive information.

As you navigate your digital communication landscape, consider the unique advantages email offers. It may be time to re-evaluate how you communicate and leverage the benefits of email in your professional and personal life.

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