When it comes to web programming, I’ve always coded in ASP.NET or the LAMP technologies for most part of my life. Now, the new buzz in the city is node.js. It is a light-weight platform that runs javascript code on server-side and is said to improvise performance by using async...
Read more →Last week, I suddenly stopped receiving email notifications for my openshift hosted blog. I came to know after some reading that commonly used cloud hosts such as openshift, aws, etc. are usually blacklisted by most email servers, hence its not a good idea to use them to send mails. In...
Read more →If you are still one of those people who are frustrated with the crawling speed of eclipse IDE (especially after the recent clunky releases of Juno/Kepler), then you are in good company! Most of the advice you might have read until now for speeding up Eclipse must have involved tweaking...
Read more →Many a times, it so happens that you need to work with multiple credentials while uploading/downloading apps on Google appengine. In such a scenario, it becomes difficult to switch credentials instantly. {.alignnone .size-full .wp-image-1382 width=”54” height=”48”} For instance, you have just uploaded an app using appcfg.py with your google credentials...
Read more →Whilst the official pythonic reference for Google app engine is the way I learnt how to build my first GAE app, I found it a bit frustrating to go through each and every link and understand large topics like caching and data stores in detail just to build a small hello world pythonic app in Google...
Read more →Creating dialogs is a very common need in your app to show a dialog box to the user in order to fetch a value, be it a mobile, desktop or even a web application. Furthermore, the values can range from anything like simple OK-Cancel dialog results to a list of...
Read more →My last android project involved tracking each device where the app is installed and storing the information to a database. It is quite a common need to uniquely identify your android device in code. Now, had it been a PC, it would have been easy to track the MAC-address of...
Read more →Based on my experiments while setting up this blog, below are the 7 “bread and butter” plugins for your wordpress blog. These plugins came very handy for me and allowed me to seamlessly integrate much needed functionality in my blog without writing a single line of php code. {.alignnone .wp-image-186...
Read more →One of my last projects based on google app engine and python involved storing form data in GAE datastore and generating PDF documents that the user can download. Whilst data storing was the easier part as google’s big data API it is pretty well documented, the trickier aspect was to convert...
Read more →Whilst barcode scanning is a pretty complex and non-trivial task in itself, it could be overwhelming sometimes with android programming. Lucky for us, there exists an opensource project called ZXing (pronounced Zebra-crossing) that solves this problem for us. The ZXing project has already done the heavy lifting by programming the...
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